"Column limit Check-in Policy" is a TFS policy that prevents users from checking in files that don't comply with your column limit coding style guidelines.
2. Extract .zip 3. Execute the file tfspolicy-columnlimit-master/ColumnLimitPolicy/Setup.ColumnLimitPolicy/bin/Release/Setup.ColumnLimitPolicy.vsix
4. Click "Install" The VSIX Installer will install tfspolicy_columnlimit to your Visual Studio. This step shouldn't take more than a few seconds. 5. Restart Visual Studio 6. Go to "Add Check-in Policy" window. There should be a new Policy there. Select it and hit OK. (Column Limit Policy):
7. A new window will open. There you can set the column limit and regex for file extensions
8. Click OK 9. Done! Now, when checking in files that don't comply with your rule, a warning message will appear: