AppLife Update provides the means for .Net developers to keep their deployed applications up-to-date, with little or no effort from their users or IT administrative support. Unlike other options, AppLife Update is flexible enough to maintain even the most complex applications. Built by .Net developers for .Net developers, the AppLife Update solution is very intuitive, isnot a black box, is deployed around the globe, and is backed by a fanatical support team.
AppLife Update Solution Highlights
Easy Integration
The update controller and visual controls are in the Visual Studio toolbox and ready to be dropped into your Windows Forms and WPF applications. Once added, designer setup controls accessed throught the smart tags makes it easy to get set up.
Just answer a few questions and you are ready to build and publish updates for your application.
Watch an integration video here.
Update Controller highlights:
- Supports any Server. Use a local file server, an ftp server, or an http server.
- Extremely Secure. Your applications will only apply updates that you publish. Using public-private key encryption, update packages are validated before they are applied.
- Extensive API. Use the API to validate a client’s status before updating, design your own completely customized updating experience, or even update multiple products at one time.
- Built in Inter-process communications, ensuring that all application instances, even those running by other users, are shutdown before an update proceeds. You can interact programmatically with the shutdown process through controller events.
- Multiple Permissions Options. Ensure your update process has the appropriate permissions necessary to update your application by using the Windows UAC, or the optional elevation Windows service. Regardless of the elevation choice, the updated application is always restarted under the exact same user identity and permissions level as the previous version.
Powerful Updating Engine
AppLife Update comes with update actions that you can drop into an action list, configure and use to maintain your applications. With your actions setup, you can build and publish an update package that can be downloaded by your application and executed on your deployed clients.
Update Engine Highlights:
- Lots of Ready to Use Actions. Replace files, patch files, modify config files, modify the registry, update databases, execute MSI packages, and more…
- Transactional. An update competes successfully or rolls back any work performed.
- Customize or Completely Replace the User Interface. You havecomplete control over your end-user experience.
- Extensive Logging. Everything that happens in an update is logged to a log file during an update. This allows you to quickly verify update actions, debug complicated updates, and troubleshoot production issues easily.
- Powerful Custom Action Infrastructure. Perform application-specific custom updating activity easily by using the C#/VB.NET code update action, or by creating a custom action project in Visual Studio.
Easily Manage Published Updates
Updates can be built and published to multiple update locations. Updates can be copied from one publish location to others. Two update locations can be compared, and differences between published updates identified.
Visit our web site to learn more about AppLife Update