Use Easy Branch Creator in Azure DevOps to create branches directly from within workitems using fields from the workitem for the branch name.
When you want to create a new branch, it is often good to have a branch naming convention in place. With the convention in place, branches are more structure and it's easier to find the correct branch. You can group branches also in subfolders based on a category like feature or bugfix.
In Azure DevOps you often create a branch on the basis of a workitem and then use some information from the workitem for the name of the branch. To be able to do so, you often need to copy several fields of the workitem to construct the actual branch name.
Create branch
The easy-branch-creator is an extension for Azure DevOps that eases this process. easy-branch-creator adds a menu action on a workitem to automatically create a branch using fields from the given workitem.
When clicking the actions, easy-branch-creator will create a new branch, using the configured naming convention, based on the default branch.
easy-branch-creator can be configured in several ways.
Template Branch Name
This is the template being used to create the branch name. The template can use any field from a workitem. Validation is in place to ensure a valid template is entered.
Non-alphanumeric characters replacement
Any non-alphanumeric character in a workitem field will be replaced by this character.
Lowercase branch name
When checked, the entire branch name will be lowercased.
Update workitem state
If enabled for a workitem type, when creating a new branch, the workitem is also updated to the selected state.