Tool for quick reading sqlite database in android project within Visual Studio. Useful for testing and quick debugging android native apps, xamarin forms and Maui android apps using sqlite database. This extension works as follows:
Because of permissions this software works only on emulators without Google Play Store and with applications created in debug mode. User needs to have installed android SDK on the computer. Extension wast tested on basic Visual Studio themes. How to use: After installation go to View -> Other Windows -> AndroidSqliteLiveView You will have to provide a path to the folder where Android Debug Bridge is located (Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools) Select from which running device You want to get database Manually input or browse path where database is located Click get data will download database from the device and load it to grid view You can also execute custom sql queries using custom sql box and clicking execute You are always working on a copy of database, any changes in the database will not affect the source data. Refreshing data requires clicking again get Data. Feedback: Any issues and enhancement suggestions can be submitted on github project page |