BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline Operations
The Code Pipeline Operations allows Azure DevOps users to execute Code Pipeline(ISPW) operations such as Generate, Promote, Deploy or Regress on the mainframe. Users can seamlessly integrate the Code Pipeline build process using Azure DevOps.
The following are required to use this extension:
Installing extensions in a Azure Devops Server Instance
Install the BMC AMI DevX Common Configuration extension and BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline Operations extension according to the Azure Devops instructions for installing extensions.
Configuring Host Connections
Navigate to Pipelines and go to BMC Common Configurations section.
If no host connection appears in the Host:Port section, select Create New Host Option, add (host:port) in next textbox.
Description : Enter a description of the connection.
Host:port : Enter the z/OS host and port to connect to.
Encryption protocol : Select the desired encryption protocol to be used for this connection.
The encryption protocol is used to encrypt data sent to and from the host. The default is 'None'.
Read/write timeout (minutes) : Enter the number of minutes for the plugin to wait for a response from the host before timing out.
CES URL : Enter a URL for Common Enterprise Services (CES). By default it is empty. Please do NOT attach any context
path, it should be in the format: http://host:port/.
Note: Click Delete Host Connection to delete an existing connection.
Executing Code Pipeline Operations
While creating the new Azure pipeline, we can add a new task by clicking + sign on Agent Job and search for "BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline Operations", select and click on Add.
This Code Pipeline Operations task has following parameters:
Display name : The name of the Task.
Host Connection : Select the host connection to be used to connect to the z/OS host. Alternatively, to add a connection navigate to Pipelines and go to BMC Common Configurations section.
Code Pipeline Operations : Select Code Pipeline operations to perform action
CES URL : This field specifies the CES URL. Host connections with CES URL can be configured in the Common Configuration Extension.
Authentication : Authentication based on CES secret token or PKCS#12 Certificate to perform Code Pipeline actions for Rest API call.
CES secret token: The available CES secret token to perform Code Pipeline actions for Rest API call. In this field, please pass pipeline variable name which is storing CES secret token as secret in Azure pipeline. Example $(cesToken).
Azure Subscription : The Azure Subscription under which Key Vault is created.
Key Vault : Name of Key Vault that holds the Certificate for authentication.
Certificate Name : Name of the certificate as uploaded in Key Vault. (PFX format is supported)
Action : Code Pipeline operation to be performed. Following actions are supported :
- Add Task
- Build Assignment
- Build Release
- Build Task
- Cancel Assignment
- Cancel Deployment
- Cancel Release
- Close Assignment
- Close Release
- Create Assignment
- Create Release
- Deploy Assignment
- Deploy Release
- Deploy Task
- Fallback Assignment
- Fallback Release
- Generate Task
- Generate Tasks In Assignment
- Generate Tasks In Release
- Get Assignment Info
- Get Assignment Task List
- Get Container List
- Get Deployment List
- Get Release Info
- Get Release Task Generate Listing
- Get Release Task Info
- Get Release Task List
- Get Set Info
- Get Set Task List
- Get Work List
- Promote Assignment
- Promote Release
- Regress Assignment
- Regress Release
- Remove From Release
- Set Operation
- Task Load
- Transfer Task
buildAutomatically (if applicable) : This allows to automatically build Task/Assignment from automaticBuildParams.txt generated by sync operation."
Request: Specify additional request parameters, click here for more information.
Skip waiting for the completion of the set (if applicable) : This allows to turn on / off polling a set to wait for the job finish if it is applicable.
Show Response body in console : This allows you to turn on / off writing the response body to the log.
Trust all Certificates : This allows you to trust self-signed server certificates. By default set to false.\n>Enabling this is not recommended.
Click Save & queue > Save and run.
Executing Git to Code Pipeline Sync
Pre-requisite: Disable shallow fetch in Azure Pipeline. Click here for more information.
This Git to Code Pipeline Sync task has following parameters:
Display name : The name of the Task.
Host Connection : Select the host connection to be used to connect to the z/OS host. Alternatively, to add a connection navigate to Pipelines and go to BMC Common Configurations section.
Git to Code Pipeline Sync : Select Git to Code Pipeine Sync to perform sync operation.
Code Pipeline : Expand Code Pipeline group to specify required parameters [ Workbench CLI Home, Runtime Configuration, Authentication, User Id, Password, Azure Subscription, Azure Key Vault, Certificate, Stream, Application, Sub Application, YAML Mapping File, Encryption protocol, Code Page, Read/write timeout (minutes) ].
Git to Code Pipeline Branch Mapping: Click here for more information."
Click Save & queue > Save and run.
Product Assistance
BMC provides assistance for customers with its documentation, the BMC Support Center web site, and telephone customer support.
BMC Support Center
You can access online information for BMC products via our Support Center site at Support Center provides access to critical information about your BMC products. You can review frequently asked questions, read or download documentation, access product fixes, or e-mail your questions or comments. The first time you access Support Center, you must register and obtain a password. Registration is free.
At BMC, we strive to make our products and documentation the best in the industry. Feedback from our customers helps us maintain our quality standards. If you need support services, please obtain the following information before calling BMC's 24-hour telephone support:
The Azure pipeline job output that contains any error messages or pertinent information.
The name, release number, and build number of your product. This information is displayed in the installed extensions page. Apply filter: BMC in order to display all of the installed BMC extension.
Environment information, such as the operating system and release on which the Workbench CLI is installed.
You can report issues via BMC Support Center:
Corporate Web Site
To access BMC site on the Web, go to The BMC site provides a variety of product and support information.