Bootstrap RifleThe extension that makes web development with Bootstrap much easier. It comes with snippets that can be customized with parameters, lets you create and customize derivative versions of Bootstrap, and also build and preview grid layout. VS2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015 are supported. It comes with a fully functional 30-day trial period. Component Snippets- Support all Bootstrap components
- Have parameters
- Customizable shortcuts
- Intellisense for shortcuts
- Support snippet chaining

Make sure there is no letter or digit in front of the prefix "bs". 
After typing the "bsb" shortcut, type <Space> to bring up the parameter panel. Type <Tab> and <Shift-Tab> to move focus to next or previous parameter. Type <Enter> to trigger the snippet.   
Customize Bootstrap- Create derivative versions of Bootstrap
- Manage Bootstrap versions with ease
- Support all Bootstrap variables
- Preview components of custom version
- See differences between versions with ease
Enhanced Layouter- Build and preview grid with custom Bootstrap
- Support all column sizes and offsets
- Support all screen sizes
- Support nested rows
- Generate the grid Html

Change LogV1.8.1 (2016-05-03)- Fixed an exception when the shortcut is at the start of the file.
V1.8 (2016-05-02)- Added import and export functions to version window.
- Changed buttons in version window to icon buttons.
- Now different versions can have same names.
V1.7 (2016-04-19)- Added support to add additional files when customizing versions.
- You can add Less, CSS, or Javascript files to a version. They can be reordered and enabled/disabled.
- Less files can use any Less variable or mixin from Bootstrap source code (3.3.6).
- Javascript files can use jQuery (2.1.4).
- A derivative version will inherit the file list from its base version, and can also has its own files.
- This should make it possible to fully customize a version.
- When building preview, Less files you added will be imported and built (in the order you added) along with the Bootstrap source. CSS files and Javascript files ("link" and "script" elements) will be added to the preview html source (in the order you added).
- The built CSS of all the Less files, Bootstrap Docs CSS (for displaying responsive grid), jQuery and bootstrap.js are automatically added to the preview.
- Preview browser now use embedded Chromium engine (same as Chrome 47).
- Preview comparison is now done in real time.
- Section elements are wrapped inside a section "div". When a certain event of a element inside the section is raised, and propagated to the section "div", the section will be compared with the other ("Custom" or "Reference").
- The event can be any jQuery built-in or custom event.
- All CSS properties of all the elements inside will be compared (and also the "src" attribute, if it is a "img" element).
- Added preview settings in preview area of customization window.
- You can add and manage preview sections that are specific to your projects.
- A preview section with a non-zero width or height, will be displayed in custom-size window.
- Comparison events can also be added and managed. Event handlers are attached to section "div" in the order the events appear in the list. Event names are in the format as specified in jQuery doc
- You can specify the "href" attribute of the "base" element in preview. This is useful if you use any relative links or images in preview sections.
- You can also choose to rewrite "a" links that start with hash to include full path of current location, so that the links don't direct to the base directory.
- Fixed an exception when closing the customization window before it is fully initialized.
- Added combobox to set state of Files expander at startup in Customization category of option window.
- Removed preview sections config in Customization category of option window now that they are in preview settings window.
- Improved deploy function in deploy window to deploy built CSS and also associated files.
- Instead of selecting a single destination file, you can select the destination directory.
- The built CSS file (version name with ".css" appended) and also the CSS and JS files in the version hierarchy will be copied to the destination directory.
- Added a checkbox to overwrite files with same names in the destination directory.
- Removed unused "Radial" option of "Orientation" parameter for "Linear Gradient" snippet in "CSS" group.
V1.6 (2016-04-06)- Added support to manage snippets inside a group.
- A snippet group has a name, prefix, and can be enabled/disabled.
- It also can be set different content types.
- You can create, edit, delete and reorder snippets inside a group as usual.
- Creating snippet will add a reference to the group, you can add more references of existing snippet to other groups as well.
- Shortcut Intellisense will appear for a group if the content type and the prefix match, and the group is enabled.
- Shortcut of snippets in a group can bring up parameter panel and insert snippet, if the content type and shortcut match, the group and the snippet are enabled.
- Export any group into a UTF8 text file. The file can be viewed in Visual Studio.
- You can import a group from a exported file. If a group with the same ID as the imported exists, it will be replaced by the imported one.
- You can also import back groups bundled in the extension. There is a new CSS group for CSS snippets.
- Added context menu on snippet list header to show/hide columns
- Changed generated shortcut parts and default shortcut parts to be in lower case.
- Fixed snippet template in create window can't be moved down even if it is no longer the last one.
- Removed "Reset" button now that shortcuts are in different groups.
V1.5 (2016-03-25)- Added a new window to create and edit snippets.
- A snippet can have any number of parameters. A parameter can be text, boolean, number, or multi choice.
- It can also have any number of template. Each template can have conditions that determine if it is selected over other templates. Currently a condition can be when a boolean or multi choice parameter of the snippet equals to a specific value. The first template that has all its conditions met will be selected.
- Template that has been selected will have its content be used to be inserted into editor. The content can have a caret, Unicode characters, parameter placeholders, indentations or shortcuts of other snippets.
- Added create, edit, delete, move up and move down buttons above snippet list. Also add a column to enable and disable a snippet within the list.
- Create snippet in the new create window, and the new snippet will be appended to the list.
- Bundled snippets or snippets that you created can be edited as well. You can see how bundled snippets are setup in the snippet edit window as samples.
- Snippets that you created can be deleted.
- When the snippet list is sorted using sequence number in ascending order, you can move up or move down a snippet to change its sequence number.
- You can disable a snippet within the list, then the snippet won't appear in Intellisense, and its shortcut also won't bring up parameter panel or trigger the snippet.
- Changed shortcut prefix to affect full shortcuts in the snippet list immediately when prefix is edited.
- Changed "Reset" button below snippet list to be "Reset Shortcuts" only.
- Shortened Tooltip Delay, Popover Delay and Carousel Interval parameter names to include letters only.
- Increased max value of numeric parameter to 10000.
- Added support for multiple value assignments for shortcuts inside editor.
- Added a new choice to sort "Enabled" column in the snippet category of option window.
- Fixed current sort columns and orders not saved when VS closes.
- Moved "Customize Snippets" menu item in the "Bootstrap" top level menu to the top. And change its text to "Manage Snippets".
- Changed text of "Manage Bootstraps" menu item to be "Manage Versions".
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