LiquidFile Uploader Build task
Uploading Folder files to your company LiquidFile server.
- upload into a selected pool
- can send the files via link to email
- set expire date
- Liquid server : (string) company main liquidefile url.
- Token Base64 : (string) must be at this construction "Basic XXX", (XXX token number)
- Pool name : (string) if you like to upload the file in to specific pool
- Expire gap : (number postive/negative) mandatory, set the gap in day.
- Upload folder : (string) mandatory, folder from witch you want to upload files
- Download Permmision : (Boolean) set the paramete if the file is for specific usesr or open to every one
- Grouped mail : (Boolean) determin if to send all links in one mail or mail for each file
- Require Auth : (boolean) determin if the client need to login for downloading.
- Delete Source : (boolean) Set the parameter if you need to delete the file from the folder.
- Target email : (string) optional. client email, witch should get the file.
- Email subject : (string) optional. email subject.
- Email body : (string) optional. email body.
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