Make Azure DevOps more efficianceThis control created to give you the option to manage your work load of each work item directly from the action menu of the work item, it would be help full when you need to manage it from the boards. the main idea was taken from Jira, where you can set your current work time, and the calculate of the remaining and the total completed will be automatic change in your required way, by using a simple dialog. this can help handeling severa types of work, capt each type in diffrent field also can manage several diffrent remaing. it aggregate all types to the total field (when using severa remain and several work, should be the same quantity of types). Selecting Unconfigered Work item
Selecting Configered Work item
In the dialog you can select from the first radio buttons group witch field of work should be incresed (if you need more then one type) and it will calculate all type of work to a total field (Completed Wrok). The two text box should be use
three options:
by unchecking the check box Remaining influence you prevent from updating the remainig fields. if it cheked it can decrese the remain by the log work quantity or if you add value to the set, it will change the remain to the set value. (and calculate the needed fields) the fields will be automatic update if there configured (all kind of remainig and total works). ConfigurationIn the collection setting, at the extension section (button of the setting) you should find the Log work configuration after pressing it, you should get the configuration page in here you should configure your requires. first select your project and work item tipe in each text box add the correct reference name to the required field by selecting it and pressing add. nothing is mandatory except of adding one complet work field (total/one type). if you add more then one total remain field, you should do it equaly to the wotk types and add them in the same order. when selecting update parent, you should get more fields. in there you should set the reference name of them. i would seggest to set the same fields you want to set at the parent the same as the child. you can select set same field if empty, if you want to keep the same refnames to some fields. Feedback