This control came to give you the option to manage your work load of each work item,
and get detailed info about the progress and the diffrent betwine planing and actual.
Show detailed work time
show a list of every pushed work load
give you option to push work load to each type
show total time, estimated
it calculate the total remaining time and the delayed time regarding the original estimated time
How to get started
WorkItem - Work Time Calculate
Work Types - Names List of work types (String) seperated by ";".
Total Types Times Field - List of Totals field names (string - must be for each type you gave) seperated by ";".
Field for work times data - Field as container for all the data logs.
Field for all total work - Field for the total amount of the loged work.
Field for origina estimated - Field that contain the origina estimated time.
Field for Delayed time - Field that contain the gap betwin original estimated and the current total time.
Field for remaining time - Field that contain the remaining time.
Field for total estimated time - Field that contain the calculated estimated time (total work + remaining).
To get your corect field refname open you browser and brows to : http://{ServerURL}/{CollectionName}/{ProjectName}/_apis/wit/fields
it will return the full work items fields list with all the properties
find your field and get the full refname.
Microsoft DevLabs is an outlet for experiments from Microsoft, experiments that represent some of the latest ideas around developer tools. Solutions in this category are designed for broad usage, and you are encouraged to use and provide feedback on them; however, these extensions are not supported nor are any commitments made as to their longevity.