devmate helps you generate high quality unit test code.
devmate exists, because we strongly believe we can save up to 75% of unit testing efforts.
Today, up to 30% of a developers working time is spent with testing.
With devmate you model test cases and generate test code with an easy to use AI-powered Blackbox-Testing technique.
Using devmate massively reduces testing efforts and increases test quality.
Three easy steps to use devmate:
1st. Step - right click the method you want to test. select: test with devmate

2nd Step - Model your test cases and test data

3rd Step - klick the "Generate Code" Button on the right lower corner and get your test code

Start now with five easy steps:
Install plugin: Download devmate or use the Visual Studio Extension Manager to install.
Parse code: Right click a method you want to test and select devmate menu item
Model testcases: focus on your test model, complete representatives, and combine testcases
Generate test code: Click the Generate Test Code Button and generate unit tests
Be a happy developer :-)
Introduction to devmate Part 1

See full video
Introduction to devmate Part 2

See full video
AI Blackbox Testing Feature Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP) Recommendation
Over the course of your projects devmate observes you and your testing behavior and learns form every testcase you create. Devmate than suggests you recommended Equivalence Classes and Representatives matching to your testmodel.
See recommendations and select matchings (click the lightbulb icon)

Choose best matching ECP

Boilerplate Feature
Just right click any method of your solution to create unit test boiler plate code.
This is the fastest way to high quality unit test code.

Why? See our video
We help developers to focus on their creativity by automating unit tests.

Get rid of boring and repetitive tasks.
How? - By automated test code generation with devmate.
Start having fun again with unit tests!
What’s in for you?
Save up to 50% of your time invested in unit test development
Get up and running in < 15 minutes
Fully integrated in Visual Studio – no 3rd party app
Demonstrably better quality in unit tests
Why devmate?
Because we believe that unit testing should be easy and fun
Because we believe that developers should be able to focus on their real challenges and creating creative solutions
We believe that you deserve to be a happy developer
What is devmate?
devmate is an easy to use test code generation tool for developers like you
devmate is an easy to use Visual Studio Extension
devmate's model editor lets you focus on requirements, inputs and expected outputs
The automatically generated test code is well structured, readable and state of the art
Generate code with xUnit/NUnit/MSTests as unit testing framework
devmate uses black box testing techniques (most competitors only use white box techniques)
Safe and easy refactoring - devmate gives developer fast feedback to recognise lacks and debts in code and makes refactoring easy.

Message for your boss:
devmate saves up to 50% unit test development efforts (this could result in savings up to 400K€ a year for a team of 10 devs)
devmate increases quality of unit tests significantly
Your solution/product achieves better code coverage
devmate fully integrates into Visual Studio and your projects DevOps toolchain
How to convince your boss:
Manually writing unit tests reduces team efficiency
Finding bugs in early stages lowers development costs dramatically
devmate is up and running in less than 15 minutes
Easy to consume licencing
devmate is based on international acknowledged ISTQB-Standards
Good unit tests result in substantially increased product quality
devmate supports Junior Developers by delivering high quality unit tests and avoid expenisve bugs
Because of devmate, the team can focus on new features and core work, which results in 20% more development efficiency according to existing customers.
Have Questions?
Visit our website, talk to an expert, join our webinars, download our ebooks, read docs, follow us on Social Media
made with ♥ in Austria