AutoSave and Compile.After Redgate discontinued .Net Demon, a tool I had used for quite sometime, then having moved to Vsual Studio 2015 I missed the functionality of continous saving and compiling especially on Web projects. So I deceided to develop AutoSave. AutoSave continuously saves as you type and compiles your current project and all its dependencies. It is enabled by default but can be disabled under Tools->AutoSave There is a delay of 2 seconds after typing, then the projects are saved and compiled. The build is always the current one selected. ChangeLogv1.1.1 Now builds the current selected configuration e.g. Debug. v1.1.2 Now initializes correctly on loading visual studio. v1.1.3 Interval can now be user configured. Tools->Options-AutoSave->AutoSave Settings-Save Interval - This can a value between 1 and 20 which is in seconds. v1.1.4 Bug: Fix for not returning correct interval on loading options page v1.1.5 Bug: Default interval setting for new install was incorrect, to fix either download version 1.1.5 or manually change the interval |