XPS File Manipulation via .NET API
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Aspose.Page for .NET is an on premise .NET API that allows you to add XPS manipulation features to your own applications. The API also supports converting XPS, EPS & PS documents to other formats.
Developers can perform various operations on XPS documents, such as, add text, images, pages, gradient, grid using the visual brush, transparency object and set opacity mask. It allows you to create, edit and convert the file pages as well as the ability to manipulate documents and elements, create vector graphics, group shapes, and specifying colors in different color spaces including sRGB, scRGB, and any space-based on ICC profile.
XPS, EPS & PS Processing Features
- Create & modify XPS documents via API.
- Add pages to XPS documents.
- Create vector graphic shapes (Path element) and text strings (Glyphs element).
- Group various elements as well as modify the appearance of text strings and graphics.
- Support for visual brush, image brush, solid color brush, and more.
- Work with multiple documents within an XPS document.
- Preserve print tickets and add default print tickets to new XPS documents.
- Perform cross-package operations such as inserting a page from another document.
- Conversion of XPS, PS & EPS documents to other popular formats.
- Supports PostScript language levels 1-3 with an exception of font types: Type2 (CFF), Type14 (Chameleon), Types 9, 10, 11, 32 (CID-Keyed).
Save XPS Documents As
Fixed Layout: PDF
Save PS & EPS Documents As
Metafiles: EMF, WMF
Animation: GIF
Aspose.Page for .NET can be integrated with any kind of ASP.NET Web Application or a Windows Application.
Get Started
Are you ready to give Aspose.Page for .NET a try? Simply execute Install-Package Aspose.Page
from Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to fetch the NuGet package. If you already have Aspose.Page for .NET and want to upgrade the version, please execute Update-Package Aspose.Page
to get the latest version.
Create an XPS Document from Scratch via C# Code
Execute the below code snippet to see how Aspose.Page API performs in your own environment or check the GitHub Repository for other common usage scenarios.
// create XPS document
XpsDocument xDocs = new XpsDocument();
// add glyph to the document
var glyphs = xDocs.AddGlyphs("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular, 300f, 450f, "Hello World!");
glyphs.Fill = xDocs.CreateSolidColorBrush(Color.Black);
// save result
xDocs.Save(dir + "output.xps");
Convert a PostScript (PS) File to PDF Format
Aspose.Page for .NET allows you to work with document conversion, such as; PS to images, PS to PDF, XPS to images, XPS to PDF and so on. The following snippet demonstrates the conversion of PS to PDF using streams:
// initialize PostScript input stream
var psStream = new System.IO.FileStream(dir + "template.ps", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
// initialize PDF output stream
var pdfStream = new System.IO.FileStream(dir + "output.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write);
// read PS file
var document = new PsDocument(psStream);
// create a device for output steram
var device = new PdfDevice(pdfStream);
try {
document.Save(device, options);
} finally {
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