bcartifacturl-proxyGet artifact URLs for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central This extension utilizes the bcartifacturl-proxy to retrieve artifact URLs for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. In some specific scenarios it could be interesting to use this proxy instead of directly calling the Benefits could be
Read more on this on Get your BC artifact URLs without PowerShell Example
The task will set the pipeline variable $(BCARTIFACTURL_PROXY) with the result retrieved from the bcartifacturl-proxy instance.
Pipeline variableAfter having the pipeline variable $(BCARTIFACTURL_PROXY) set, this can then be easily passed to other tasks.
FAQWhat is the benefit of the bcartifacturl-proxy caching mechanism?With the increasing amount of artifact URLs available, it can take up to 20-30 seconds for the When a call comes in, it first checks a cache to find out if that artifact URLs has previously been requested. Those cache entries stay valid for one hour (sandbox artifacts) or one day (onprem artifacts). If a valid entry is found, the URL from the cache is returned. When handeling translations files within the pipeline, which requires compiling the App to generate the translation (XLIFF) file and recompile again to include additional created translations files, this can reduce the duration of the pipeline up to 60 seconds. Can I run my own instance of bcartifacturl-proxy?Yes! Head over to https://github.com/tfenster/bcartifacturl-proxy and provide your Is an Azure DevOps agent running on Linux supported?Currently only agents running on Windows are supported. What will happen if the WebRequest fails?In case the call to the instanceUri fails, the task will fallback to the Adjusting input accept_insiderEula from 'true' to 'false'In specific scenarios, the input parameter value accept_insiderEula will be adjusted from 'true' to 'false' to increase the likelihood of retrieving a cached result.
Both requests are valid and will return the same artifact URL. However, the second request cannot benefit from the cache of the first request. Increase Cache ExpirationBy default, only cache entries that are less than 1 hour old are returned. To extend this duration, set the cacheExpiration parameter. For retrieving cached entries up to 24 hours old, set the value to 86400. |