Vintage Story Mod Template (.NET Framework)A project template for creating a C# Code Mod, for Vintage Story. This template should target .NET Framework 4.6.1, and should be placed within a sub-folder of the solution's root directory. First Time UsersUpon your first time using the mod template, RUN VISUAL STUDIO WITH ADMINISTRATIVE PRIVILEGES, and when you have just set up your Environment Variables within the wizard, you will likely see a number of errors, and the mod will not run. This is because Visual Studio needs to be restarted, in order for the Environment Variables to be refreshed. Once you reopen your solutions, these error messages will disappear, and you'll be good to go. What's Included?Environment VariablesThe first time you run the template, it will ask you to set up your environment variables for the game directories. These will default as follows: Install Directory: %VINTAGE_STORY% DataDirectory: %VINTAGE_STORY_DATA% You can also change the keys, if for instance, you wish to set variables for a specific version of the game for the mod you are creating. Each subsequent run of the template will skip this step if the above keys are found, with an option to go back, and set them again. Mod InformationYou will also be given a chance to customise your mod by giving it a title, description, default domain, app-side, and author. These values can always be fine-tuned later on, within the included Sample Client-Side ModSystemWithin the sample Hot ReloadThe mod is set up ready for Hot Reload. From the moment your new mod is created, and set as the Startup Project, you should be able to press Mod PackagerWhen you build your mod, it is automatically packaged into a Finishing StepsThere are a number of optional completion steps that you may wish to take. • Includes Folder
- Every file that is placed within the • Assets
- An • Mod Info
- A minimal • Readme File
- A basic • Licensing
- The mod has come packaged with a standard MIT License, from
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