For Visual Studio 2015 version, please follow the link below: /vsgallery/a2a4375f-65a1-4373-88fd-5c1496506f28
Supported Language: English, Traditional Chinese
The extension is use to apply checkin policy for those who must send a code review request before who can checkin it to TFS server. Also you can set the lowest feedback level ("With comment", "Looks Good") to each policy.
********** Features **********
1. Configuring effective path to apply the checkin policy.
2. Configuring the lowest passed level to "With Comment" or "Looks Good".
3. Configuring all of pendding changes must be reviewd before developers can checkin it.
4. Configuring the policy would fail when any pending change is modified after reviewing. 5. Developers will see the corresponding error messages when the policy failed.
********** How To Configure ********** 1. Install TEC CheckIn Policies extensions for VS2013.
2. Click "Settings" from Team Explorer for the Team Project you want to configure. 3. Click "Source Control" link under "Team Project" section in Settings page.
4. Click "Check-in Policy" tab.
5. Click "Add..."
6. Choose to "Code Review Policy"
7. Change the path in "Effective Path Configuration" to decide which floder(and subfoler) should be applied the policy.
8. Click OK to apply your configuration.
********** Contact **********
If you got any problem for this extension, please feel free to contact TEC Digital Technology.
Tel: +886-2-8668-7135
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