If you are interested in improving the quality of your code, static analysis tools offer an obvious way to detect hidden issues in your code. Unfortunately, they tend not to be particularly easy to use.
That is our speciality. Visual Lint closely integrates code analysis tools including Clang-Tidy, PC-lint Plus, PC-lint, CppCheck and FxCop within the Visual Studio integrated development environment, making analysis results available to the developer in a form which is both useful and intuitive. This makes it easier for developers to act on the issues identified - or (looking at it another way) harder for them to ignore them.
Either way, one of the common obstacles to making full use of the capability of code analysis tools is removed.
Visual Lint is compatible with Visual Studio 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022, as well as Eclipse, Atmel Studio and others. Standalone Visual Lint applications are also provided for the analysis of projects for environments for which a dedicated Visual Lint plug-in is not available (e.g. Visual C++ 6.0, eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 or Green Hills MULTI).
It is available in Personal, Professional, Enterprise and Build Server Editions:
Visual Lint Personal Edition is licenced to individual and freelance developers. In addition to the manual analysis conventionally offered by code analysis tool integration solutions, Visual Lint Personal Edition also offers the capability for automated background analysis of entire Visual Studio solutions and workspaces. Command line analysis is also available via an optional component in the installer.
Visual Lint Professional Edition is designed for professional development teams. In addition to automated background analysis of entire Visual Studio solutions and workspaces and the other capabilities also available in Visual Lint Personal Edition, Visual Lint Professional Edition allows features aimed at project teams such as selective inclusion/exclusion of specific files or projects, selectable per-file or per-project analysis and highly customisable analysis configurations.
Visual Lint Enterprise Edition is recommended for large development teams with detailed analysis configuration and reporting requirements. In addition to automated background analysis of entire Visual Studio solutions and workspaces and the other capabilities of Visual Lint Professional Edition, Visual Lint Enterprise Edition provides detailed HTML reporting, accelerated code analysis using IncrediBuild and the most customisable analysis configuration of any Visual Lint edition.
Visual Lint Build Server Edition includes all of the capabilities of the Enterprise Edition, and also offers incremental command line analysis in build server environments. This edition is specifically designed to be used with build and continuous integration servers.