The Prism Template Pack contains a collection of snippets, item templates, and project templates for use with the Toolkit NuGet package ( to help quickly build UWP applications with Prism.
cmdt - News a Prism DelegateCommand
cmda - News an async Prism DelegateCommand
cmdp - News a Prism DelegateCommand with a Command Parameter (i.e. DelegateCommand<T>)
cmdap - News an async Prism DelegateCommand with a Command Parameter (i.e. DelegateCommand<T>)
propc - Creates an ICommand auto-property
propt - Defines a bindable property with a backing field
Prism Toolkit Page - A Prism View for a Page with a ConcreteDataContext property for use with x:Bind and AutoWireViewModel enabled
Prism Toolkit PageViewModel - A Prism ViewModel for a Page
Project Templates
Prism Toolkit App - A project template for building Universal (UAP) apps with Prism, Unity and Toolkit.
Prism Toolkit Hamburger Menu App - A project template for building Universal (UAP) Hamburger Menu apps with Prism, Unity and Toolkit.