The basic functions: fast access to files with a code in active Solution (Solution items list), and fast access to elements of a code in the current editor (Code items list). After installation to be added the panel with a fast call of functions of the expert, and item of the menu in which except for a call of functions of the expert, there is an item (Assign keyboard binding). If at you the is used not standard allocation of the keyboard (Tool-> Options-> Keyboard-> Keyboard mapping scheme) the expert will appoint the following shortcuts: If an allocation standard, it is necessary to make a copy of the current allocation (Tool-> Options-> Keyboard-> Keyboard mapping scheme-> Save As...) and to execute item of the expert (Assign keyboard binding). Allows, on a shortcut, to call the list with all files with a code current Solution. Opportunities: Allows, on a shortcut, to call the list of all methods, properties of the current file. Opportunities: |