Easily toggle between a View and a ViewModel, particularly useful for WPF MVVM projects.
'Ctrl + Shift + Alt, V'
'Ctrl + Shift + Alt, M'
Accessible under the 'View' dropdown in the top navigation and within the context menu when right-clicking a C# or XAML file.
Visibility/Enable Conditions
Active file must end with either 'view.xaml' or 'View.xaml' or 'viewmodel.cs' or 'ViewModel.cs'.
How it Works
Detects the active document and verifies if the filename ends with 'View.xaml' or 'Model.cs'.
If it's a View or ViewModel, it first checks for any corresponding 'View' or 'ViewModel' files open that match the selected document. If found, it switches to that; otherwise, it searches the entire project for the matching target View/ViewModel.
Dialog messages are provided in case of any processing issues.
New in (Released 08/04/2024)
Removed unused using statement.
Updated the extension overview description to include a GIF demo and screenshots.
New in (Released 07/04/2024)
Rewritten extension in .NET Core to make use of Microsoft's new extensibility.
Updated key bindings: Now uses 'Ctrl + Shift + Alt, V' and 'Ctrl + Shift + Alt, M'. Verified these don't conflict with any Visual Studio commands or capitalisation conventions like before.
Visibility/Enable Conditions: Active file must end with either 'view.xaml' or 'View.xaml' or 'viewmodel.cs' or 'ViewModel.cs'.