DevOps Deploy is used to standardize and simply the process of deploying software components to each environment in your development cycle. It has a built-in version repository that helps it track inventory of what versions are deployed in each of your environments. DevOps Deploy provides a single solution to support deployments to a hybrid environment including mainframe systems, distributed systems, or containers in the cloud, in Kubernetes clusters, and OpenShift.
This extension allows you to easily take the immutable artifact from your build and push it to your DevOps Deploy instance so it can be deployed.
1. Open your Organization page in Azure DevOps and complete the following steps:
01. Click the project you want to use.
02. Click Repos.
03. Scroll down and in the “Initialize with a README or gitignore” panel, select the Initialize option.
2. Setting up the pipeline:
01. Click Pipelines
02. Click Create pipeline
03. Click the Use the classic editor to create a pipeline without YAML
04. Select Azure Repos Git as source and select the corresponding Project, Repository, Branch as per your requirement and click on Continue
05. Select Empty job. The Empty Job page with Pipeline configuration is displayed
3. Select the pipeline and complete the following steps:
01. Change the name for the build pipeline, if required.
02. Select the Agent pool for your build pipeline. You can use the agent from the default agent pool or use the one you have installed.
03. Select the Agent specification for the agent.
04. Optionally, change the name of the agent job.
4. Add a task to the agent job by completing the following steps:
01. Click the Add task icon for the agent job. The Add tasks pane is displayed.
02. Enter "DevOps deploy" in the Search box to search for the tasks , It will display DevOps Deploy to upload Component Version extension.
03. Add the above searched one
5. Select the task DevOps Deploy to upload Component Version
01. Provide the information displayed for the task
02. Make sure to add required field DevOps Deploy service endpoint, Component Name or Id, Component Version
6. Click on Save & queue
01. Click on Agent to check all the step running