Abmes Syntax Highlighter on GitHub: https://github.com/abmes/SyntaxHighlighter
This is a Visual Studio extension which adds the following classification types:
- C#/JS/TS Delimiter - matches ':', ';' and ','
- C#/JS/TS Parenthesis - matches '(' and ')'
- C#/JS/TS Bracket - matches '[' and ']'
- C#/JS/TS Brace - matches '{' and '}'
- C# Namespace - matches a C# namespace
The above classification types can then be colored by going to Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors
You can get the latest release from the Visual Studio Gallery. Go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Online -> Visual Studio Gallery and search for Abmes SyntaxHighlighter
Compatible Visual Studio Versions
Currently this extension is supported on:
* Visual Studio 2012 (unofficial)
* Visual Studio 2013
* Visual Studio 2015
Recommended Colors
- Operator = Red
- String = Green
- Comment = Gray
- XML Doc Comment = Silver
- Number = Navy
- Preprocessor Keyword = Olive
- C# Namespace (Abmes) = R: 120, G: 10, B: 170
- C#/JS/TS Brace (Abmes) = Blue
Colors specific for VS 2013
- String (C# @ Verbatim) = Green
- C#/JS/TS Bracket (Abmes) = Red
- C#/JS/TS Delimiter (Abmes) = Red
- C#/JS/TS Parentheses (Abmes) = Red
Colors specific for VS 2015
- String - Verbatim = Green
- Punctuation = Red
- C#/JS/TS Bracket (Abmes) = Default
- C#/JS/TS Delimiter (Abmes) = Default
- C#/JS/TS Parentheses (Abmes) = Default
Other recommended colors
The following colors are recommended for **"Breakpoint"**, **"Breakpoint - Mapped"** and **"Breakpoint - Advanced"**
Breakpoint (Disabled) - Foreground = R: 231, G: 190, B: 196
Breakpoint (Enabled) - Foreground = Automatic
Breakpoint (Enabled) - Background = R: 231, G: 190, B: 196
Breakpoint (Error) - Foreground = Red
Breakpoint (Error) - Background = R: 231, G: 190, B: 196
Breakpoint (Scroll Bar) - Background = R: 231, G: 190, B: 196
Breakpoint (Warning) - Foreground = Automatic
Breakpoint (Warning) - Background = R: 231, G: 190, B: 196