1. Deploy tool
This tool is created for simple copy/paste deployment style. The tool collects loaded dll/exe files information of an application in the debug output window and copy all dependencies (exe/dll) to a user specified directory for deployment. User can specify some exclude paths to avoid copying of common files. To use the tool, simply follow these steps: Step 1: Build and Run/Debug project. Step 2: Run command AbeoTools>Deploy. Step 3: Specify output directory (The tool will automatically copy all files to OUTPUT_DIR\PROJECT_NAME sub directory). Step 4: Click GO to copy all files.
2. RegEx tester - Test C# regular expression: Simply copy the text to Html tab and type RegEx to Filter 1 box. - Automatic download website source code and apply multi-stage RegEx.
[Updates] Ver 1.0.7 - Fixed some bugs Ver 1.0.6 - Added RegEx tester tool Ver 1.0.5 - Added some useful info. Ver 1.0.4 - Difference colors for checked and unchecked files. |