Akamai Fast Purge
Author - Aammir Mirza
Invoke to use the Akamai Fast Purge API. It allows Invalidate / Delete operations based on Tag or URL as search attribute.
Below attached GIF details more about the operation.
NOTE:The Akamai logo are trademarks of Akamai Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Akamai Technologies, Inc. is not affiliated with this extension.
Task has no module, dlls or any other dependencies like Akamai Authorization wrapper.
Download the Free 'Akamai Cache Purge' from here and populate the below mentioned mandatory parameters to get it working
YAML Usage
- task: AammirMirza.AkamaiCacheClean.Extension.AkamaiCacheClean@2
displayName: 'Akamai Cache Purge'
ClientToken: '$(ClientToken)'
ClientAccessToken: '$(ClientAccessToken)'
ClientSecret: '$(ClientSecret)'
Action: delete / invalidate
searchatt: Tag / URL
Tags/URLs: 'assigned Tag'
hostAddress: '$(host)'
GIF for reference
Operation arguments
Available command line options are:
Request method. Valid values are POST, PUT, and DELETE
Authentication token used in client auth. Available in Luna Portal.
Authentication token used in client auth. Available in Luna Portal.
Authentication password used in client auth. Available in Luna Portal.
Full request URL complete with API location and parameters. Must be URL encoded.
Full request Tag complete with API location and parameters. Must be URL encoded.
Should contain the Invalidate/Delete action, that needs to be performed for the operation.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- `how to use, demo gif added to help page.
- `Extension platform independent capability added. Know can be used for Windows / Linux / Mac
emailto: aammir.mirza@hotmail.com