ReaderWmf is the best metafile (WMF or EMF) importer for WPF and Windows Forms applications. Withmetafile to XAML converter application that comes with the library you can create XAML that can be used in WPF,Silverlight, Universal and Windows Store Apps. The library can be used at runtime to import metafiles from files or get metafile stored in clipboard. Showing metafiles from clipboard allows users to easily copy the drawing from almost any drawing application (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Excel and many more) into your application. Imported drawings preserve all the details because they are not rasterized (converted into bitmaps) but instead use WPF vector objects.
Though the library is created in WPF, it can be also used in Windows Forms applications with using ElementHost or with rendering svg image into GDI+ bitmap. The usage is very simple and do not require any knowledge of XAML or other WPF specialties (check the sample that comes with the library).
Besides great import accuracy the library has the following additional features:
The library also comes with great support - if you find any svg file that is not read correctly, send it to us and we will do our best to improve the reader so it will read the svg file correctly. Screenshots:
When showing vector drawings in WPF applications also check the ZoomPanel control. |